

  • 3月27日

    Morita, C., Sano, K., Morimatsu, S., Kiura,H., Goto, T., Kohno, T., Hong, W., Miyoshi, M., Iwasawa, A., Nakamura, Y., Tagawa, M., Yokosuka, O., Saisho, H., Maeda, T., and Katsuoka, Y. : Disinfective potential of electrolyzed solutions containing sodium chloride at low concentrations . J. Virol. Methods, 85 :163-174, 2000

    Morita, C., Sano, K., Morimatsu, S., Kiura,H., Goto, T., Kohno, T., Hong, W., Miyoshi, M., Iwasawa, A., Nakamura, Y., Tagawa, M., Yokosuka, O., Saisho, H., Maeda, T., and Katsuoka, Y. : Disinfective potential of electrolyzed solutions containing sodium chloride at low concentrations . J. Virol. Methods, 85 :163-174, 2000

  • 3月27日

    Morikawa, Y., Goto, T. and Sano, K. : In vitro assembly of human immunodeficiency virus type1 Gag protein. J. Biol. Chem. 274 :27997-28002, 1999.

    Morikawa, Y., Goto, T. and Sano, K. : In vitro assembly of human immunodeficiency virus type1 Gag protein.J. Biol. Chem. 274 :27997-28002, 1999.

  • 3月27日

    Kawabata, S., Kuwata, H., Nakagawa, I., Morimatsu, S., Sano, K. and Hamada, S. : Capsular hyaluronic acid of Group A Streptococci hampers their invasion into human pharyngeal epithelial cells. Microb. Pathogenesis 27 :71-80, 1999.

    Kawabata, S., Kuwata, H., Nakagawa, I., Morimatsu, S., Sano, K. and Hamada, S. : Capsular hyaluronic acid of Group A Streptococci hampers their invasion into human pharyngeal epithelial cells. Microb. Pathogenesis 27 :71-80, 1999.

  • 3月27日

    Miyagi, K., Sano, K., Morita, C., Imura, S., Morimatsu, S., Goto, T., Nakano, Y., Hashimoto, S., Matsumoto, Y., Maeda, K., Omura, K., Takarada, Y. and Honda, T. : An improved method for detecting faecal Vibrio cholerae by PCR of the toxin A gene. J. Med. Microbiol. 48 :883-889, 1999.

    Miyagi, K., Sano, K., Morita, C., Imura, S., Morimatsu, S., Goto, T., Nakano, Y., Hashimoto, S., Matsumoto, Y., Maeda, K., Omura, K., Takarada, Y. and Honda, T. : An improved method for detecting faecal Vibrio cholerae by PCR of the toxin A gene. J. Med. Microbiol. 48 :883-889, 1999.

  • 3月27日

    Kohno, T., Goto, T., Takasaki, T., Morita, C., Nakaya, T., Ikuta, K., Kurane, I., Sano, K. and Nakai, M. : Fine structure and morphogenesis of Borna Disease Virus. J. Virol. 73 :760-766, 1999.

    Kohno, T., Goto, T., Takasaki, T., Morita, C., Nakaya, T., Ikuta, K., Kurane, I., Sano, K. and Nakai, M. : Fine structure and morphogenesis of Borna Disease Virus. J. Virol. 73 :760-766, 1999.

  • 3月27日

    Matsui, R., Komori, T., Namba, R., Shimizu, T., Sueyoshi, K., Sano, K. and Narabayashi, I. : In vitro uptake and release of TI-201 and Tc-99m MIBI in cultured tumor cells and effect of anticancer drug. Rad. Med. :16(3)187-194, 1998.

    Matsui, R., Komori, T., Namba, R., Shimizu, T., Sueyoshi, K., Sano, K. and Narabayashi, I. : In vitro uptake and release of TI-201 and Tc-99m MIBI in cultured tumor cells and effect of anticancer drug. Rad. Med. :16(3)187-194, 1998.

  • 3月27日

    Goto, T., Kohno, T., Morita, C., Morimatsu, S., Sano, K.., Kimura, T., Fujii, J., Fujisawa, Y., Ikuta, K., and Nakai, M. : Localization of enzymatic and regulatory proteins in HIV-1 particles. 12th World AIDS Conf. 1 : 37-40, 1998.

    Goto, T., Kohno, T., Morita, C., Morimatsu, S., Sano, K.., Kimura, T., Fujii, J., Fujisawa, Y., Ikuta, K., and Nakai, M. : Localization of enzymatic and regulatory proteins in HIV-1 particles. 12th World AIDS Conf. 1 : 37-40, 1998.

  • 3月27日

    Kohno, T., Fujioka, Y., Goto, T., Morimatsu, S., Morita, C., Nakano, T. and Sano, K. : Contrast-enhancement for the image of human immunodeficiency virus from ultrathin sections by immuno electron microscopy. J.Virol. Methods, 72 :137-143, 1998.

    Kohno, T., Fujioka, Y., Goto, T., Morimatsu, S., Morita, C., Nakano, T. and Sano, K. : Contrast-enhancement for the image of human immunodeficiency virus from ultrathin sections by immuno electron microscopy. J.Virol. Methods, 72 :137-143, 1998.

  • 3月27日

    Kato, H., Yonezawa, T., Kosaka, R., Shirai, H., Sano, K., Abe, M. : An improved methods for the evaluation of the effects of laser irradiation on cultured osteoblastic cells. Bull.Osaka Med. Col. 44 : 19-26, 1998

    Kato, H., Yonezawa, T., Kosaka, R., Shirai, H., Sano, K., Abe, M. : An improved methods for the evaluation of the effects of laser irradiation on cultured osteoblastic cells. Bull.Osaka Med. Col. 44 : 19-26, 1998

  • 3月27日

    Kato, H., Yonezawa, T., Kosaka, R., Shirai, H., Sano, K., Abe, M. : An improved methods for the evaluation of the effects of laser irradiation on cultured osteoblastic cells. Bull.Osaka Med. Col. 44 : 19-26, 1998

    Kato, H., Yonezawa, T., Kosaka, R., Shirai, H., Sano, K., Abe, M. : An improved methods for the evaluation of the effects of laser irradiation on cultured osteoblastic cells. Bull.Osaka Med. Col. 44 : 19-26, 1998

  • 3月27日

    Takasaki, T., Ohkawa, N., Sano, K., Morimatsu, S., Nakano, T., Nakai, M., Ymaguchi, J., Kurane, I. : Electron microscopic study of human herpesvirus 6-infected human T cell lines superinfected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Acta Virol. 41 : 221-229, 1997

    Takasaki, T., Ohkawa, N., Sano, K., Morimatsu, S., Nakano, T., Nakai, M., Ymaguchi, J., Kurane, I. : Electron microscopic study of human herpesvirus 6-infected human T cell lines superinfected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Acta Virol. 41 : 221-229, 1997

  • 3月27日

    Nakamura, T., Masuda, T., Goto, T., Sano, K., Nakai, M., Harada, S. : Lack of infectivity of HIV-1 integrase zinc finger-like domain mutant with morphologically normal maturation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Cmm.. 239 : 715-722, 1997

    Nakamura, T., Masuda, T., Goto, T., Sano, K., Nakai, M., Harada, S. : Lack of infectivity of HIV-1 integrase zinc finger-like domain mutant with morphologically normal maturation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Cmm.. 239 : 715-722, 1997

  • 3月27日

    Kawano Y, Tanaka Y, Misawa N, Tanaka R, Kira JI, Kimura T, Fukushi M, Sano K, Goto T, Nakai M, Kobayashi T, Yamamoto N, Koyanagi Y : Mutational analysis of HIV-1 accessory genes : Requirement of site in nef gene for HIV-1 replication in activated CD4+ T cells in vitro and in vivo. J. Virol. 71 : 8456-8466, 1997

    Kawano Y, Tanaka Y, Misawa N, Tanaka R, Kira JI, Kimura T, Fukushi M, Sano K, Goto T, Nakai M, Kobayashi T, Yamamoto N, Koyanagi Y : Mutational analysis of HIV-1 accessory genes : Requirement of site in nef gene for HIV-1 replication in activated CD4+ T cells in vitro and in vivo.
    J. Virol. 71 : 8456-8466, 1997